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Handheld software to read your engine computer system.
There are a lot of products out there for OBD-II cars. But, although there are
several free and commercial products for OBD-I cars that run on a PC or laptop,
There is nothing for the handheld, free or otherwise. The handheld PDA is
perfect for recording OBD output. Portable, light, self powered, and more and
more people own them. So, its about time.
Here are some exciting screen captures. This is some screen prints of the Pre-Alpha palm design.
- The Main Screen. Notice the buttons are large enough and spaced for easy thumbing while in the vehicle.

- The Menu, the Error Codes, and the Dash Board.

This project has several pieces of software to build:
- PalmOS Data Recorder
- Palm Desktop Conduit to extract data
- Windows analyzer to browse data
- Windows CE/Pocket PC Recorder(depends on demand)
To give you an idea of where things are and how we intend to get there, I will
outline a short plan here.
- Initial testing and available platforms will be the GM ECM numbers 1226870
and 1227165. This is simply due to the fact that I own cars with these ECMs.
- PalmOS Reader will be build and tested on a Palm III 2MB computer. These
are extremely cheap and will likely be the type of handheld most users will be
able to buy if they do not already have a PDA.
- The communications protocol is the hardest part of the reader software. In order to make this project accessible to people on a low budget, all testing
will be done with the "2-Transistor" interface. Most medium skilled
users should be able to assemble this interface for under $5.00.
- Initially the PalmOS Recorder will output in the CSV file format of Craig Moates
software. This is because there is a browser already available at I wish it was a bit more windows friendly and let you select items and graph colors more easily.
Please, drop by the forums at the "Bulletin Board" link at the top of the page. You can see what is going on and ask anything you like there.
But, please be patient. I know there is a demand out there for this software, but remember its being done by volunteers for free!